
Charity Objectives 

To assist with the focus of the charity’s objective and the selection of worthy charitable donations the following will be used to describe the charities main activities:

To contribute to the betterment of the greater community of Aberdeen by:

  1. Supporting and encouraging the development of skills and crafts in younger people.
  2. Participating in local causes which have a clearly defined benefit to the younger people of Aberdeen.
  3. Offering support to worthy causes where the outcome will clearly benefit those in need.
  4. To motivate and empower young people through the development of skills and crafts.
  5. To provide opportunities for young people to engage with and pursue personal development activities and qualifications.
  6. Contributions which will make a real difference to an organisation where a clear and visible difference will be achieved.
  7. To work in partnership and collaborate with all parties who share our common objectives for the benefit of communities and young people of the greater community of Aberdeen.

Trustees of the Trades Widows’ Fund Charity are drawn from two members of each trade of The Seven Incorporated Trades of Aberdeen, this includes the presiding Deacon Convener and Master of Trades Hospital. For further information about the organisation, please visit 

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